About Ash

Designer and Owner behind Against The Grain Studio LLC

Hello Friends!

Thank you for being here and reading about who I am, and what makes Against The Grain Studio LLC possible. As a very young child, I enjoyed creating and drawing so much that most of my day consisted of some sort of creative gesture. Whether it was finding clay in my parent's creek to create pottery, or coloring on rocks with the pigments from blackberries, I always found some way to create with what the Earth provided me.

Once in high school, I became president of my small high-school's art club and delegated many different events to be involved in within our community. This led me to gain practice with building and design through Habitat for Humanity and other organizations. Moving into college, I immediately pursued a Bachelor degree in Architecture.

Throughout college, I began working in the Interior Design industry both as an assistant and as a virtual interior designer. Life happened, and my husband and I became parents to the most amazing baby boy. My world was turned upside down for the better, but I could not continue with my degree while raising my newborn son. At this time, I made the executive decision to stay home so that I could focus on what is truly important - my family. This also gave me the opportunity to build my experience and portfolio with Interior Design.

Throughout college and after, I gained valuable experience in the field. It was a rewarding experience, and I quickly discovered that I was passionate about helping others achieve their goals as well. Through a leap of faith and a ton of support, here I am with an official name to my business - Against The Grain Studio LLC.

Against The Grain is a limited liability company based in Lexington, NC, servicing customers and design professionals throughout the United States. Here, I will assist with bringing a space to life with exceptional experience and impeccable attention to detail, providing you with confidence in every decision you make.

My mission is to provide a reliable service and a positive face in my community and with those that choose to work with me. Each project will be crafted for each client one at a time, taking care to create imaging that tells YOUR story.